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Messages and Signals

This section provides information on the CAN bus messages and signals used in the Prohelion BMS D1000 Gen2. Each message is identified by its unique ID, and the structure, including signals, is described.

Default BASE ID

The following Message IDs assume a default CAN Bus BASE ID of 0x600. The BASE ID of each device is configurable via the device configuration. If the BASE ID has been configured differently on the device, make sure to account for the shift in the Message IDs. The Message ID offsets from the BASE ID will remain the same regardless of the device configuration.


Message ID Name
0x600 Device Heartbeat
0x601 Device Firmware Info
0x606 BMS State Info
0x607 BMS Current Data
0x608 BMS Voltage Data
0x609 BMS Auxiliary Data
0x60A BMS SOC Data
0x60B BMS SOH Data
0x60C BMS Counter Data
0x60D Node Info
0x60E Node Cell Info
0x60F Node Temp Info

Device Information

Device Heartbeat

Field Value
Message ID 0x600 (1536)
Description Device heartbeat information.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
DeviceType 0 32 bits 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Type of device in the system
DeviceSerial 32 32 bits 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Unique serial number of the device

Device Firmware Info

Field Value
Message ID 0x601 (1537)
Description Firmware version information.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
FirmwareMajorVersion 0 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Major version of firmware
FirmwareMinorVersion 8 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Minor version of firmware
FirmwarePatchVersion 16 16 bits 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Patch version of firmware

BMS Information

BMS State Info

Field Value
Message ID 0x606 (1542)
Description Information on BMS states, failures, and faults.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
BMSState 0 16 bit 1 0 N/A N/A N/A BMS State
BMSPrechargeFault 16 8 bit 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Precharge Fault Reason Bitfield
BMSContactorFault 24 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A N/A Contactor Fault ID Bitfield
BMSReason 32 32 bit 1 0 N/A N/A N/A BMS Safe-State Reason

BMS State Bitfield Table

Bit Position Hex Value State Code Description
0 0x01 INITIALISE Initialisation state
1 0x02 CALIBRATE Calibration state
2 0x04 IDLE Idle state
3 0x08 CONNECT Connect state
4 0x10 PRECHARGE Precharge state
5 0x20 ENABLED Enabled state
6 0x40 CHARGE Charging state
7 0x80 SAFE Safe state

BMS Precharge Fault Reason Bitfield Table

Bit Position Hex Value Reason Code Description
0 0x01 TIMEOUT Timeout issue
1 0x02 OVER_CURRENT_MAX Overcurrent maximum detected
2 0x04 OVER_CURRENT_PCHG Overcurrent during precharge
3 0x08 NEG_CURRENT Negative current detected
4 0x10 STABLE_CURRENT Stable current issue
5 0x20 OVER_VOLTAGE Overvoltage detected
6 0x40 STABLE_VOLTAGE Stable voltage issue

BMS Contactor ID Fault Bitfield Table

Bit Position Hex Value Contactor Code Description
0 0x01 CONTACTOR1 Contactor 1 fault
1 0x02 CONTACTOR2 Contactor 2 fault
2 0x04 CONTACTOR3 Contactor 3 fault
3 0x08 CONTACTOR4 Contactor 4 fault
4 0x10 CONTACTOR5 Contactor 5 fault

BMS Reason Safe-State Reason Bitfield Table

Bit Position Hex Value Reason Code Description
0 0x00000001 SELFTEST_FAIL Self-test failure
1 0x00000002 WATCHDOG_FAIL Watchdog failure
2 0x00000004 CONTACTOR_FAIL Contactor failure
3 0x00000008 HVIL HVIL issue
4 0x00000010 BATT_VOLTAGE Battery voltage issue
5 0x00000020 PACK_VOLTAGE Pack voltage issue
6 0x00000040 LOAD_VOLTAGE Load voltage issue
7 0x00000080 FUSE_VOLTAGE Fuse voltage issue
8 0x00000100 OVER_CURRENT Overcurrent detected
9 0x00000200 NODE_COUNT Node count issue
10 0x00000400 CELL_COUNT Cell count issue
11 0x00000800 TEMP_COUNT Temperature count issue
12 0x00001000 BJU_TIMEOUT BJU timeout
13 0x00002000 PACK_TIMEOUT Pack timeout
14 0x00004000 CONTROL_TIMEOUT Control timeout
15 0x00008000 SENSOR_TIMEOUT Sensor timeout
16 0x00010000 OVER_VOLT Cell over-voltage detected
17 0x00020000 UNDER_VOLT Cell under-voltage detected
18 0x00040000 OVER_TEMP Cell over-temperature detected
19 0x00080000 UNDER_TEMP Cell under-temperature detected
20 0x00100000 PRESSURE Pressure issue
21 0x00200000 HUMIDITY Humidity issue
22 0x00400000 VOC VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) issue
23 0x00800000 NOX NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) issue

BMS Current Data

Field Value
Message ID 0x607 (1543)
Description Current measurement data.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
InstantaneousCurrent 0 32 bits -0.001 0 N/A N/A A Instantaneous current measurement
FilteredCurrent 32 32 bits -0.001 0 N/A N/A A Filtered current measurement

BMS Voltage Data

Field Value
Message ID 0x608 (1544)
Description Voltage measurement data.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
BatteryVoltage 0 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Battery voltage measurement
LoadVoltage 32 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Load voltage measurement

BMS Auxiliary Data

Field Value
Message ID 0x609 (1545)
Description Auxiliary data.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
AuxiliaryVoltage 0 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Auxiliary voltage measurement
Power 32 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Power measurement


Field Value
Message ID 0x60A (1547)
Description Counter data.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
BatterySoC 0 16 bits 0.1 0 0 1000 % Battery SOC Percentage


Field Value
Message ID 0x60B (1547)
Description Counter data.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
BatterySoH 0 16 bits 0.1 0 0 1000 % Battery SOH Percentage

BMS Counter Data

Field Value
Message ID 0x60C (1548)
Description Counter data.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
CurrentCounter 0 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A As Current counter measurement
EnergyCounter 32 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A Wh Energy counter measurement

Node Info

Field Value
Message ID 0x60D (1549)
Description Node information.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
TotalPackVoltage 0 32 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Total pack voltage measurement
PackBalanceThreshold 32 16 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Pack balance threshold measurement
TotalCellsBalancing 48 16 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Total cells balancing status

Node Cell Info

Field Value
Message ID 0x60E (1550)
Description Cell information.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
MaxCellVoltage 0 16 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Maximum cell voltage measurement
MaxCellVoltageNodeID 16 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Node ID for max cell voltage
MaxCellVoltageCellID 24 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Cell ID for max cell voltage
MinCellVoltage 32 16 bits 0.001 0 N/A N/A V Minimum cell voltage measurement
MinCellVoltageNodeID 48 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Node ID for min cell voltage
MinCellVoltageCellID 56 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Cell ID for min cell voltage

Node Temp Info

Field Value
Message ID 0x60F (1551)
Description Temperature information.


Signal Name Start Bit Length Factor Offset Min Value Max Value Unit Description
MaxTemperature 0 16 bits -0.1 0 N/A N/A C Maximum temperature measurement
MaxTemperatureNodeID 16 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Node ID for max temperature
MaxTemperatureSensorID 24 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Sensor ID for max temperature
MinTemperature 32 16 bits -0.1 0 N/A N/A C Minimum temperature measurement
MinTemperatureNodeID 48 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Node ID for min temperature
MinTemperatureSensorID 56 8 bits 1 0 N/A N/A - Sensor ID for min temperature