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Configuration Parameters

This section provides information on each of the BMS Configuration Parameters.

Device Serial Number

Field Value
Description The serial number that is unique to each unit
Permission Read Only
Index 0x32
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units NA

Device Type ID

Field Value
Description The device type identifier (Prohelion BMS D1000 Gen2)
Permission Read Only
Index 0x33
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units NA


Field Value
Description The CAN bus bitrate
Permission Admin
Index 0x34
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units kb/s


Field Value
Description The base CAN ID of the device
Permission Admin
Index 0x35
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units NA

Number of CMU Nodes

Field Value
Description The number of CMU nodes
Permission User
Index 0x36
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units NA

Number of Cells per Node

Field Value
Description The number of cells at each CMU node
Permission User
Index 0x100
Scale 1
Length 32
Units NA

Number of Temp Sensors per Node

Field Value
Description The number of temp sensors at each CMU node
Permission User
Index 0x140
Scale 1
Length 32
Units NA

Precharge Resistance

Field Value
Description The precharge resistance value
Permission User
Index 0x39
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units Ohms

Pack Capacity

Field Value
Description The pack capacity in watt-hours
Permission User
Index 0x40
Scale 0.1
Type UINT16
Units Wh

Critical Cell Over Voltage

Field Value
Description The critical cell over-voltage threshold
Permission User
Index 0x41
Scale 0.001
Type UINT16
Units V

Warning Cell Over Voltage

Field Value
Description The warning cell over-voltage threshold
Permission User
Index 0x42
Scale 0.001
Type UINT16
Units V

Balancing Voltage Threshold

Field Value
Description The cell balance voltage threshold
Permission User
Index 0x43
Scale 0.001
Type UINT16
Units V

Warning Cell Under Voltage

Field Value
Description The warning cell under-voltage threshold
Permission User
Index 0x44
Scale 0.001
Type UINT16
Units V

Critical Cell Under Voltage

Field Value
Description The critical cell under-voltage threshold
Permission User
Index 0x45
Scale 0.001
Type UINT16
Units V

Maximum Temperature

Field Value
Description The maximum cell temperature threshold
Permission User
Index 0x46
Scale 0.1
Type INT16
Units °C

Minimum Temperature

Field Value
Description The minimum cell temperature threshold
Permission User
Index 0x47
Scale 0.1
Type INT16
Units °C

Maximum Charge Current

Field Value
Description The maximum charge current threshold
Permission User
Index 0x48
Scale 0.001
Type INT16
Units A

Maximum Discharge Current

Field Value
Description The maximum discharge current threshold
Permission User
Index 0x49
Scale 0.001
Type INT16
Units A

Maximum Precharge Current

Field Value
Description The maximum precharge current threshold
Permission User
Index 0x50
Scale 0.001
Type INT16
Units A

Maximum Voltage Delta

Field Value
Description The maximum precharge voltage-delta threshold
Permission User
Index 0x51
Scale 0.001
Type INT16
Units V

Thermistor Beta Value

Field Value
Description Beta-value of the thermistors being used on the CMU Nodes
Permission User
Index 0x52
Scale 1
Type UINT16

Contactor Auxiliary Check Enable

Field Value
Description A bitfield that allows the auxiliary inputs of each contactor to be ignored
Permission User
Index 0x53
Scale 1
Type UINT16
Units Bitfield

Maximum Allowable Precharge Time

Field Value
Description The maximum precharge time threshold
Permission User
Index 0x54
Scale 0.001
Type UINT16
Units Seconds

Minimum Temperature of the BMU

Field Value
Description The minimum temperature threshold of the BMU
Permission User
Index 0x55
Scale 0.1
Type INT16
Units °C

Maximum Temperature of the BMU

Field Value
Description The maximum temperature threshold of the BMU
Permission User
Index 0x56
Scale 0.1
Type INT16
Units °C